scanned image of main keys

Another view

Keyboard main keys

Close-up Main keys

Keyboard Right-side

Close-up Right-side

Video Graphics Presentations MultiMedia Streaming/Compression

This is the REAL "short"CUTTING Board, custom keyboard for the Video Toaster



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UPDATE 4/14/2002

We had a GREAT time at NAB!!! Everyone from Newtek was great, they gave the "short"CUTTING Board a huge boost.

I put faces with the names... like Paul G., Robert, Ted, Ron, Larry, Harlan, Faraz and the list goes on and on.

Had the pleasure of meeting a large number of the Newtek dealers at the Dealer's meeting and they should be carrying the "short"CUTTING Board very soon.


Now that Newtek has announced the shipping of the Video Toaster [2]TM (aka VT[2]).

Get your..... "short"CUTTING BoardTM ....... it slices, it dices, it juliennes..... OK so it might not do all of that, but it will save you time!!!

It has been proven that knowing the shortcut key in software improve performance and save time, being able to see the keys and not have to refer to a manual or pop-up menu saves even more time. Adding a tool like The "short"CUTTING BoardTM will do just that and saving time gives you time to be more creative on the projects you're working on, that will add value to your work. Bottom line time is money, saves it and will more than likely help you make a little more.

90% of the shortcuts for Video Toaster [2]TM are on The "short"CUTTING BoardTM.... the other 10% involve mouse clicking and dragging. Keyboard shortcuts for Toaster Edit, the Switcher, Capture and DDR/Ext. Control are all documented on the keyboard.

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For more information contact Sales

Prices, terms and any information subject to change without notice.

Video Toaster is a registered trademark of Newtek, Inc.

Baron Productions
P.O. Box 83574
San Diego, CA 92138
(858)254-7752 or (858)483-0750

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